Monday, October 6, 2008

October Fun

Hey Everyone!

I wanted to keep everyone we love updated with current events in the world of Trisha and Quin. My friend Misty Barrett has inspired me with her blog family page and so I thought I would give it a whirl!

Quin is having a blast in kindergarten! He loves it so much and I am not suprised. I went to his school's Open House a few weeks ago and asked his teacher how he is doing in class. Her response to me was,"Quin is wonderful, we just have to work on his talking in class!" I laughed and decided that he obviously inherited this talking (The picture up top is from Quin's first day of school).

I feel like he is such a "big" guy these days. Well, that is until I hear him say funny things that let me know he is still my "little" guy:-). Yesterday morning we were on our way to church and Quin says, "Mom, I'm shimmering!" I laughed and said, "You mean shivering?"
He also told me yesterday as we were trying to decide where we were going to go eat after church that he felt in his heart God was telling him we didn't need to go eat anywhere but Sonic. I said, "Well, we definitely need to listen to what the Lord says to you in your heart!" So needless to say, we ate lunch at Sonic. His sincerity was beautiful and I was moved to the core...God likes to eat at Sonic...I am so convinced, especially after that heart felt conversation.

Quin is playing soccer and really getting the hang of it! He gets distracted every once and a while but doesn't stop to pick up bugs and flowers like last year. In practice he has made several goals, so I can't wait for the day he makes a goal in a game!

Everything is great with me as well! I am loving nursing school and I think to myself every day...I am one day closer!! I am still leading worship for Choose Life and love it more than anything! Life is good in Hobbs New Mexico! Please stay tuned for more pictures and things to you all!

1 comment:

barrett family said...

trish, the blog looks great! I'm gonna love checking in with you and Quin! I will email you soon with some links I found that help you do all kinds of things with your blog. Have a great week!!love you! Kiss Quin a kiss from Aunt Mitty:)